February 2020 | NEWS! | Results of the AppQ survey
Many thanks to all participants! We’ve completed our survey about quality criteria for HVET and SMEs.
The developed quality criteria identified in O3-A2 were validated in an online survey, which allowed participants to rank the criteria in order of importance, suggest improvements, reject criteria and/or propose new criteria. The scale ranged between cannot evaluate – totally agree – agree – disagree – totally disagree.
In order to achieve the target 250 responses, the survey was translated into the national languages of the project partners and was open for 12 week. In total 482 participants took part in the survey. Most participants came from Portugal (N=179), followed by Slovenia (N=105) and the Basque Country (N=68). The number of participants from each country is illustrated in the table below:
Five stakeholders were identified in advance as target groups: Auditors and Quality experts, Providers of Higher Education/Higher Vocational Education and Training, Representatives of SMEs, Students, who have already started or completed a work-based learning period, and Alumni.
All stakeholders took part in the survey. As the figure below shows, Providers of Higher Education/Higher Vocational Education and Training were the largest group with 26% or 126 participants. Followed by Auditors and Quality experts (24% or 118 participants) and Students (20% or 94 participants).
All survey participants were invited to submit comments at the end of the survey. These were collected, translated from the respective national language into English and analysed. The comments were discussed among the consortium, whether the suggested changes would be accepted or rejected. Reasons to reject a comment were for example for being out of scope or a country specific.
The results of the survey showed that the participants regard all quality criteria as important. The means ranged between 2.10 and 2.42. Therefore, no ranking could be established. Thus, all 30 quality criteria were included in the final list. Similarly, the means between stakeholders showed little difference.