GOIENA communication: The student is integrated in real work experiences considering him as one more employee
By Agurtzane Gainzarain (Goiena Komunikazioa), Ainhoa Ullibarriarana (Mondragon Unibertsitatea)
GOIENA offers apprenticeships within the EQFs 5 to 6; short internships (3 – 6 months; communication students), and dual programs (during 3,5 years; business students).
The HR department apply for students to the university, offering the apprenticeship for the needed profile. The university shares CVs of the candidates with the HR department, who selects the candidates with the process adopted.
The technical and transversal competences that the student has to develop are known by both tutors, so the company mentor define a learning plan which is validate by the academic tutor. The apprentices are observed daily by the company tutor, but the development of the skills they acquire is evaluated every semester (in the case of the dual program) or at the end of the internship period.