Schenker d.d.
By Rado Hauptman, Alicia Leonor Sauli Miklavčič
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Students are equally involved in the work process. The company also incorporates them into the internal concept of continuous improvement. If they find (together with the student) that the proposed improvement is beneficial/useful for the company, they implement it in everyday work processes.
Before preparing a practice in the company, they want to personally meet the student. The PHEI then prepares a contract and a plan for conducting the apprenticeship. During the apprenticeship, the student and mentor in the company, are visited by the PHEI’s supervisor.
The apprenticeship is carried out according to pre-defined procedures.
The apprenticeship is assessed on the assessment form provided by the PHEI’s.
A number of good practices/improvements were introduced to the company as a result of students’ apprenticeships.
Some former apprentices were employed by the company on regular and permanent basis.